Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Abbas' Men Killed Two Israelis On Friday

This has already been posted on other blogs, but the significance cannot be overemphasized. Since Abbas has failed to conduct himself as a real peace partner, or even use speak to his own people as if the PA was interested in real peace, we can only expect more such terrorism from the West Bank.
Hikers' Murderers were PA 'Policemen'
by Gil Ronen

The terrorists who killed two young Jewish men at Nahal Telem last Friday turned themselves in to the General PA Intelligence Wing in Hevron a few hours later, the Shabak has revealed. The two belong to Mahmoud Abass's Fatah movement, and are directly linked to the PA security forces, the Shabak has reported. They were afraid of being caught or killed by Israel and preferred to be in the PA's custody.

The Shabak investigation determined that the terrorists are Ali A Hamid Dandis, 24, of Hevron, who was in touch with the PA's General Intelligence, and Amar Badr a Halim Taha, 26, a Fatah gunman and a member of the PA's "National Security' force.

The terror attack was pre-planned and its purpose was to kill hikers and steal their weapons.

The latest details of the terror attack indicate that at 12:00 noon Friday, a Landcruiser carrying three gunmen from Hevron arrived on the scene of a nature outing by Rubin, Amichai and a young woman, Naama Ohayon. The terrorists fired at the hikers from inside their vehicle at close range. The soldiers, who were badly hurt by the first barrage of bullets, managed to fire back, and killed the vehicle's driver.

The two other terrorists who were not hurt got out of their vehicle and shot the two soldiers execution-style. Naama Ohayon managed to escape the scene of the shooting right after the first shots were fired and alerted the rescue and emergency medical services.

...The Chairman of the Likud faction, MK Gideon Sa'ar, said Tuesday that the fact that the murders of soldiers David Rubin and Achikam Amichai, as well as Ido Zoldan, were all carried out by PA security apparatus men shows the Olmert-Barak government's "stupidity."

"Continuation of unilateral concessions, including release of terrorists and supply of various weapons to the PA is direct assistants to terror, Sa'ar said.
Has Condoleezza Rice publicly condemned this or warned Abbas to take any sort of action?
And when can we expect the murderers to be handed over to Israel?

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