Saturday, January 05, 2008

Olmert: Abbas Believes In Peace "Heart And Soul"

But not in action--like recognizing Israel as a Jewish state. But Abbas has Olmert convinced:
He said he was convinced, too, that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas "has made the choice in his heart" between clinging to the "myth of the 'right of return'" and the opportunity to establish a Palestinian state where all Palestinians, refugees included, would live.

"My impression is that he wants peace with Israel, and accepts Israel as Israel defines itself," Olmert said. "If you ask him to say that he sees Israel as a Jewish state, he will not say that. But if you ask me whether in his soul he accepts Israel, as Israel defines itself, I think he does. That is not insignificant. It is perhaps not enough, but it is not insignificant."
Olmert has not just lowered the bar on what is required of a peace partner.
He has removed it.

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