Monday, January 07, 2008

Sderot: Operation Purim

In an email, Connections Israel has a video of their work in helping Sderot celebrate Chanukah:
On the first day and second candle of Chanukah Connections Israel returned to Sderot. We were part of a gathering of Jews from all over Israel and the world. There were at least 20 buses from all over Israel with lots of different activities.

We traveled to a number of different neighborhoods on and open truck with a live band, passing out over 4000 sufganyot and 10 cases of chocolate coins. In addition, we distributed over 300 holiday gift baskets in some of the more economically depressed neighborhoods.
Here is a video:

Now, Connections Israel is working on their next project:
We are currently shifting our focus towards our annual Operation Purim. For the past 10 years we've be connecting with schools and communities abroad and encourage them to adopt units of the Tzahal (the IDF).

We have them write letters of Chizuk-support and Bracha-blessing, do some fund raising and the letters and Purim baskets are delivered to the soldiers. The schools/communities receive a thank you letter from the IDF and a large photo of the unit which received the Shalach Manot.

The soldiers receive a tremendous morale boost and the participants strengthen there connection to Israel and to the IDF soldiers.

We currently have over 100 schools participating and we'd like to double the amount - so, if you are connected or know educators in schools in your area, let us know and we can offer them to participate in this program.

If you'd personally like to sponsor a unit/soldier, click here.
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