Friday, August 26, 2011

Activists Launch #Tweet4Shalit: Twitter Campaign for Gilad Shalit’s 5th Birthday in Captivity



Isaac Yerushalmi

Activists Launch Twitter Campaign for Gilad Shalit’s 5th Birthday in Captivity

Tel Aviv, Israel, August 26, 2011 — American human rights activists are launching a new social media campaign on Twitter to raise awareness of the plight of captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. The grassroots campaign, titled #Tweet4Shalit, hopes to rally thousands of tweeters on the week of Gilad Shalit’s 5th birthday in captivity.

“Gilad Shalit has been held in captivity for five years by the Hamas terrorist organization without a single visit from the International Committee of the Red Cross,” says Isaac Yerushalmi, creator of the campaign. “This contravenes international law. On his 5th consecutive birthday in Hamas captivity, Gilad is not able to tweet his wish for freedom, so we will.”

Gregg Roman, advisor at the Israeli Knesset says, “This is a great tool to remind everyone that Gilad is in the hands of the incredulous Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza, and I tip my hat off to the creator for taking this initiative.”

The campaign is viral in nature, and if successful could lead to the trending of Gilad Shalit’s name on the popular social networking website, making it visible to millions of Twitter users.

The campaign website can be accessed at

For additional information and interviews, contact:

Isaac Yerushalmi

Sample tweet:
#GiladShalit's 5th bday in Hamas captivity. Im #113 to tweet his wish for freedom bc he cant. Will you #tweet4shalit?
Technorati Tag: and .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Actually, this is just a less successful imitation of the original campaign, created by the Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) many years ago, which was heavily publicized. It's a shame this press release does not give any credit to the actual creators of the original successful campaign, which this one is clearly imitating.


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