Sunday, August 21, 2005

Arafat: Anything I do or say, ignore me.

Via The Corner comes this article from St. Petersburg Times about the trial of Sami al-Arian, the professor in Florida who is accused of aiding the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization.

The following is from a wiretap conversation from October 2000, in which one of al-Arian’s co-defendants, Sameeh Hammoudeh, explains the private views of Yassir Arafat about the negotiations with Ehud Barak:

Despite what Arafat was saying publicly about supporting the negotiations, Hammoudeh's telephone conversations tell a different story, according to the prosecution's evidence. Unidentified Male: "Abu Ammar (Arafat) told me that everything has been screwed up . . . Since February (he) has been hopeless, finished. From February . . . eight months ago . . . (Arafat) has had a closing with this Barak . . . I sat with (Arafat) in his room and he told me: 'It's useless.' But he doesn't say this on television. He says 'my partner.'

"We sat with (Arafat) . . . and he told me that it was over . . . and we should seek other avenues. . . . "Do whatever you see fit. Military action if you want to, or whatever. . . . I will not interfere.' " He offered this summary of Arafat's private words to him: "Proceed and do not be afraid. Anything I do or say, ignore me."

Andy McCarthy notes that the trial in general is not getting much coverage in the New York area. Revelations such as the above are not likely to make any difference either. Palestinian Arabs don't care and those who idolized him in the West will not change.

They will continue to blame Sharon for triggering the Intifada.

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