Monday, October 10, 2005

The Cat in the Hat Does Gaza

(Bruchim Ha'baim to visitors via Haveil Havalim. Please take a moment to go to the home page and take a look around. Thanks to Biur Chametz and Soccer Dad. Chag Sameach, Bennett)

I remember Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat as a character that invites himself into the home and, starting with a small mess, adds to it and multiplies it until finally at the end, somehow everything is put right.

So let's see:

Israel, in the interests of peace with the Palestinian Arabs, brings in Arafat.

As a result, terror attacks increase and the situation in Gaza get dramatically worse.

So Arafat was isolated and eventually replaced with the moderate Abu Mazen.

Abu Mazen turns out to be weak, so Hamas grows in strength and influence.

In order to consolidate Israel's position and set up secure borders, Sharon disengages from Gaza.

Now with no one to stop it Al Qaeda is making itself at home in Gaza.

Now, according to Powerline blog, some good may come of this latest development:

When it becomes clear that al Qaeda intends to use Gaza as a base for international terrorism, the administration will have no choice but to face up to the dangers posed by the Palestinians' failure to develop a normal civil society, and to think seriously about what can be done to mitigate those dangers.


And maybe the Cat in the Hat is not quite done yet.

Or maybe I should stick with Chad Gadya...

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