Monday, October 24, 2005

Truce and Lies

Reuters reports:

Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza fired at least three rockets toward Israel on Monday in what the group said was an "initial response" to Israel's killing of one of their top commanders in the West Bank.

But this paragraph is interesting:

Palestinian witnesses and the army said no casualties were reported in the first such attack in about a month. Top militant groups had said they would stop anti-Israeli attacks from Gaza to honor an eight-month truce.

First of all, just last week 3 Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists, so the phrase "the first such attack" is misleading.

Secondly, what 8 month truce?
By Islamic Jihad?

If you check out, the following terrorist attacks this year have been carried out by Islamic Jihad:

5 killed
70 injured
The terror group, Islamic Jihad, takes credit for a suicide bombing, in which a bomber kills five Jews crossing the street in front of a mall. All of the victims were female, two were teenage girls. About seventy others were injured.

Ganei Tal
3 killed
0 injured
Islamic Jihad bomb an Israeli greenhouse, killing three, including a Chinese worker.

1 killed
1 injured
Islamic Jihad kills a 21-year-old Israeli soldier.

Some truce.
And that's only counting the attacks from Islamic Jihad

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