Thursday, December 29, 2005

Oy Vey Amir...

The Jerusalem Post reports on Labor's new slogan:

The Labor Party unveiled its new campaign slogan on Thursday at a motivational meeting for Labor's Knesset candidates: "Amir Peretz, because the time has come."

Labor strategists said the party would not use negative campaigning or mudslinging, because Party Chairman Amir Peretz did not want it. The goal, they said, was to strengthen the brand and raise party pride.

Israel Perspectives gives his...perspective:

Perhaps this is the cynical side of me coming out, but this slogan seems to be extremely depressing.

Have things gotten so bad that it's time for Amir Peretz? Have we given up on all else that we have decided that perhaps Socialism isn't so bad, after all?
It does seem as if the current political scene in Israel was hand written for Sharon. Likud is a shadow of its former self, and as for Labor...
A poll released on Thursday morning conducted by the Geocartographic Institute pointed to a drastic drop in Labor support, with only 17 mandates, while Kadima, projected to receive 42 mandates, maintained its high level of support.
To see why Labor's support is dropping, take a look at Israel Perspective's suggested ad for Peretz.

Also, take a look at the winning slogans and themes that Biur Chametz has come up with.

Meanwhile, for Israel the choice is among Sharon, Peretz, and Netanyahu.

Oh My.

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