Saturday, January 07, 2006

Sharon Still Keeps His Plans Close To His Vest

Ariel Sharon completed the Disengagement from Gaza after opposing it during the election campaign.

Back at the beginning of December, AFP was reporting Sharon's denial of a repeat performance in the West Bank, even as Arutz Sheva was reporting that Justice Minister Tzippy Livny was describing Kadima's platform as including "A Palestinian state should be established in Judea and Samaria."

Even now, Sharon still keeps them guessing.

The BBC reports:

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak told the BBC after the latest operation that Mr Sharon was in the final days or hours of his life.

But Felix Umansky, a leader of the surgical team working on the prime minister, told the AFP news agency there was still a chance he could recover.
The World Tribune reports:
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 77, the most powerful Israeli leader in 50 years, has died, Middle East Newsline reported.

However subsequent wire reports said Sharon showed "significant improvement" after five hours of emergency brain surgery Friday.
No doubt we will know what Sharon's true condition is, when he is good and ready to reveal it to us. (and remember how Sharon was counted out politically after Sabra and Shatila?)

Please have Ariel Sharon in mind in your tefillot. His hebrew name is Ariel ben Vera. That's what they have on

Update: Motzei Shabbos, Mere Rhetoric quotes that
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's chances of survival are "very high", one of the PM's surgeons said in an interview with Israel's Channel 2 Saturday evening...Jose Cohen said in the interview. "Tomorrow (Sunday) is the day of truth, tomorrow we'll know whether everything we did really helped him (Sharon) or not."...
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