Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Wouldn't You Want To Know?

I imagine everyone has a favorite story about their child answering the phone. As of Sunday, here is mine:

Since I was not feeling well, I davened Mincha at home instead of going to shul. While I was in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei, the phone rang--and the fun began.

Here is the conversation, from my perspective:

My daughter:

Who is it! (we're still working on the 'Hello' part...)
Who are you?
Who are you??
My Abba is in the living room, davening.
My Abba is in the living room, davening.
He is standing in this room with a siddur and davening. (this delivered with the most patient how-can-I-make-it-any-clearer tone of voice any 6 year old has ever mustered)
He's davening.
My mommy can't come to the phone.

During the debriefing, my daughter said that the woman on the phone--who never said who she was or what she wanted--kept asking if I was 'gardening'.

My first mystery was, why would she think I was gardening. Davening and gardening don't really sound that much alike.

Then I realized, that same woman would didn't know what 'davening' was, wouldn't know what a siddur is--but she would have an idea what a 'seeder' is. What else could I be doing with a seeder, except garden.

But the second mystery remains unanswered:

If you were a stranger calling, regardless of on whose behalf and whatever reason, wouldn't you call back just to find out how you daven with a seeder?

Wouldn't you want to know?

I know I would.

Note: On behalf of Jewish parents--and grandparents--on the Internet, I do hereby start the Technocrati tag: Nachas. Because it's time!

Technorati Tag:

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