Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Two-Tongued and The Tongue-Tied

You know the closer your destination / the more you're slip sliding away
Paul Simon

From Michelle Malkin's blog:
February 08, 2006 10:28 PM

We should learn from the stand Denmark has taken against double-talking radical imams who pose fraudulently as "moderate" peacemakers (via the Jyllands-Posten):

Political criticism of local imams in recent days has led the integration minister to exclude the muslim clerics from discussions of the integration of Muslims into Danish society.

Some imams have reportedly offered statements to media in Muslim countries that harmed Danish interests in the on-going row over the Mohammed cartoons, the integration minister, Rikke Hvilshøj, said on Monday.

'I think we have a clear picture today that imams are not the ones we should look to if we want integration in Denmark to work,' Hvilshøj told daily newspaper Berlingske Tidende...

One incident involved imam Abu Laban telling television station al-Jazeera that he was happy about the Muslim boycott. Later the same day, he said to Danish television station TV2 that he would urge Muslims to stop the boycott immediately.

The Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, also disinvited a group of radical imams for an anti-terror conference at his Marienborg residence in September. The conference sought to find ways of preventing Islam from being used in the name of terror attacks.

Among those who should take a lesson from Denmark--dare we hope--is acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Like Denmark, Israel also has to deal with:

1. Radical Moslem leaders
2. Moslem leaders who say one thing publicly and something very different to their own people.
3. Fraudulent Moslem peacemakers
4. Moslem leaders who harm Israel's interests

But unlike Denmark, who excludes these people, the Israeli government without a word of complaint is going to let funds go to terrorist leaders who have clearly stated they do not recognize Israel's right to exist, keep bilateral agreements that the terrorists have no intention of keeping, and proceed with plans to give the terrorists their own state from which to better destroy Israel.


Obviously, Israel is not taking their cue from Denmark--so where are they getting their inspiration instead?

The EU!
The European Union may try to draw up a media code of conduct to avoid a repeat of the furor caused by the publication across Europe of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, an EU commissioner said on Thursday.

In an interview with Britain's Daily Telegraph, EU Justice and Security Commissioner Franco Frattini said the charter would encourage the media to show "prudence" when covering religion.

"The press will give the Muslim world the message: We are aware of the consequences of exercising the right of free expression," he told the newspaper. "We can and we are ready to self-regulate that right."
Does Frattini and the EU realize what that last paragraph sounds like?! We are aware of the consequences of our actions...and we will police ourselves. All that's missing are the words: "Please don't hurt me!"

The EU's fear is only going to encourage Moslem extremists and terrorists and that fear is already driving their pressure on Israel as much as anything else--with Olmert complying and describing all the concessions to come. He is determined to follow both the Road Map and Sharon's lead.

Better to follow Denmark.

Update II:

has other news on Denmark taking a stand:
Apparently it’s not just cartoons that are under fire in Denmark. NeanderNews has learned that Copenhagen kids only get Halal prepared meats in their school hot lunchs(!). The ‘Committee for Education and Youth’ (very scary) decided in 2001 to only use the halal meat for the hot lunch dishes.

Apparently now this will be changing. Below are excerpts from a translated Jyllands-Posten article dated February 7, 2006 (link in Danish):

Showdown about halal-meat in schoolchildren’s lunch

(Jyllands-Posten Copenhagen)



Students in the Copenhagen council schools shall no longer be denied the choice of pork when they buy their daily hot lunch in the school’s canteen.

Out of consideration to pupils with a moslem background there is presently only halal-butchered meat - and no pork at all - in the daily hot meals which are offered at a price of 15 kroner (appr. 2,35 US $) in the canteens of the 49 schools run by the council of Copenhagen.

A political majority in the council’s committee for children and youngsters now demand that porkchops and meatballs be introduced on the menu.

“We need to see more freedom of choice in the canteens. It’s fine with me that the ethnic minorities can have halal-meat but those who want pork should find it available. When it comes to food there are many minorities and they should all be accomodated”, says Jan Andreasen, spokesman on educational issues for the [ruling] Social Democrats.

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  1. Actually Slip-Slidin away is post-Garfunkel Paul Simon.

  2. You may be right, but I think there is genuine fear there as well, and an inability to do what it takes to stand up to the intimidation.


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