Thursday, March 09, 2006

Some Wednesday Night Early Morning Links

A Simple Jew writes about whether the final resting place of Mordechai and Esther might be in Israel.

The Elder of Ziyon writes about the unusual Goering legacy.

Elie's Expositions
writes about how it's crunch time for Matzah lovers

Heichal HaNegina
goes from Shabbos to Adar and finishes off with a couple of niggunim for Adar and Purim.

Israel Perspectives
writes about the Jews of Silence and wonders what it will take to wake us up.

Judeopundit shows that he is quite the 'parody animal'

finds a website with an odd name, but modesty prevents him for saying ourtright what kind of site it is.

Mirty's Place shares the experience--and recipe--of a milchig potato kugel

Soccer Dad
writes about the passing of Rev. Abraham Lopes Cardozo and the effort to keep liturgical music alive.

There's just something about a picture of Abbas that invites sarcasm--
just ask Meryl Yourish and Soccer Dad and Abba Gav

writes about a Haaretz poll that should bring the Israeli MSM down to earth.

Technorati Tag: and and .

1 comment:

  1. Well, that's a pleasant surprise - thank you for the link.


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