Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Who Wants To Be A Pesach Millionaire?

Here is the introduction to a game, by Adina and David Lederer, that you can do at the seder table for kids. At the end of the introduction is a link to the questions for the game (3 versions) and a separate link to the answers, as word documents.

Have a Chag Kasher V'Sameach.

Who Wants To Be A Pesach Millionaire?

Who Wants To Be A Pesach Millionaire?
Revised 5761


As we wrote last year, one of the primary mitzvot of seder night is to tell over the story of our Exodus from Egypt (Sipur Yeziat Mitrayim). As parents to young children, we have a challenge to keep our kids interested during seder night in order to help us fulfill this mitzva. After hearing one of our friends telling us how he makes up Torah-related questions in “millionaire” format for his then 5 year old son who watches the show with him, we thought of creating a Pesach version of the game to play with our young children over Pesach.

After success of our first version of this game last year, we decided to publish a new version for this coming year. The first game (Game #1) is brand new featuring all new questions. The two original games from last year are included as well (Games #2 and #3).

Last year, we played one game each night with our kids breaking up the game into three parts at appropriate points during the seder. Realize the game is geared for primary school-age children. We would encourage you to change questions or the format to tailor to your own children’s level.

We played the games with three lifelines similar to the popular television show – 50/50 (chetzi/chetzi), poll the audience (ask the seder table) and phone a friend (ask someone specific at the table).

Like any educational game, the purpose of the game is not an end in and of itself, but it is meant to be used as a springboard for discussion and further learning.

We hope you enjoy it!

The Questions

The Answers

Adina and David Lederer

Nissan 5761

Technorati Tag: and .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I use a game called "Who Wants to Be A Jewish Millionaire?" as well as "Jewpardy" in my Daled class.

    The kids like it, because they get points, and they don't feel like they're learning anything. It's how I teach them the holidays, among other things. "Tell me three things about Rosh Hashanah" is a typical question (although, come to think of it, that's a statement).

    They also can perform reading and writing tasks for points, or make up short sentences in Hebrew.

    We'll be playing a lot of games after the Pesach break. Spring fever will have hit full-time, and I aim my curriculum to be finished with nearly all of their Mastery Skills around now. Discipline will be nearly impossible on Tuesday afternoons, and only slightly better on Sunday mornings.

    If anyone has any suggestions for keeping fourh graders engaged at the end of a long [after-school!] school year (I am so turning this into a post on my blog), please let me know.


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