Saturday, May 27, 2006

10,000 Hits!

But thanks for the hits,
Of every post a thrill
I’ve been through the mill
I’ve blogged a lot and learned a lot...

Frank Sinatra (um...sort of)

Apparently Daled Amos is the 1,147th blog to have reached this milestone, based on a search on Google's Blogsearch (for: blog "10,000 hits").

This 'event' happened on May 27, 2006 at 11:53:56 pm with a hit from Staten Island, viewing my latest post, Not Everything Going Ahmadinejad`s Way.

Thank you for stopping by--and hope to see you here often.



  1. dumb question - why is it called a "hit" and not a visit?

  2. This might help:

    DA Congrats and keep up the good work!

  3. Congratulations on the milestone. May you have many more!


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