Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What Is An Apostrophe?

According to dictionary.com, an apostrophe is:
The superscript sign ( ' ) used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, or the plurals of numbers, letters, and abbreviations.


The direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the course of a speech or composition.
Apparently, it is also something that throws off my blog.

After looking around, I found code that allows me to give just the first paragraph of my blog with a link that takes you to the full post. There's even a tag that will take you to the place in the post where you left off.

But after a couple of hours of finagling, it turns out that if there is an 'apostrophe' in the title of the post--the code does not work.

Not a clue why, and the apostrophe problem does not effect SerandEz.

So anyway, if you come across a post with an apostrophe missing in the title, it's not due to back grammar or bad syntax.

Just so you know.


  1. Ah, but it does affect me! Which is why I switched the continued tags again, and I (annoyingly) have it on every post. Argh.

  2. Then I misunderstood you.
    I may have to reconsider my philosophy of apostrophe atrophy.
    Obviously, I may also have to go get some sleep.

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    An apostrophe is considered a special character in programming. It is used in most programming languages, so 'variable' is the name of a variable and the program expects you to do something with it. When it sees an apostrophe, it's waiting for the second one.

    There are escape characters. Wordpress uses the / as an escape before an apostrophe.

    However, nothing I do is making L'il Mamzer's comments show up for automatic approval on my weblog, and since he refuses to give up the apostrophe, his comments always go into the moderation queue.


Comments on Daled Amos are not moderated, but if they are exceedingly long, abusive, or are carbon copies that appear over half the blogosphere, they will be removed.