Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Blogger`s Dozen Links for Tuesday Morning

12 links including a new source for podcasts and video on news in Israel, Superman's real identity, a trip to Hel (with pictures), and a post on style that is simply sandalous (though some say it's a Croc).


Also, great news: Hamikdash's surgery was successful.

Podcasts and video from Israel are available from At Level Ground, a freelance journalist and editor, including his interview with Israel Broadcasting Authority Director-General & Chief Editor, Yoni Ben-Menachem about the Arab world's psy-ops media war against Israel.

Jewish Blogmeister uncovers Superman's secret identity: he's Jewish!

Judeopundit thinks that the optimism about the Presbyterian Church's change in attitude about Divestment is overly optimistic.

Le Mont De Sisyphe quotes the impressions of Richard Landes (creator of the Second Draft which produced the famous Pallywood-movies) about the Gaza Beach controversy:

Letters of Thought has a post--and lots of pictures--To Hel and Back

I'm not sure, but it seems that Life-Of-Rubin is enjoying the NBA finals.

Sadie's Luncheonette is hosting the Kosher Cooking Carnival #7 with links to the previous 6.

me-ander has thoughts about getting older now that Paul McCartney has turned 64.

Mere Rhetoric has some pointers about the report that there is no demographic time-bomb in Israel.

Mirty's Place is going on a summer vacation from blogging.

Modern Orthodox Woman links to new blog, Melachim Bet, who is blogging about...Melachim Bet and is on "a quest to complete Nevi'im Rishonim"

The Muqata has the authoritative timeline on the development of sandals in Israel.

Technorati Tag: and and and .


  1. Thanks for the Good word!

  2. Thanks for the link!

  3. and a post on style that is simply sandalous (though some say it's a Croc).

    Ba*da*CHING! You are the Melek of Zing!

    Rock the links... :)


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