Monday, June 19, 2006

What Did YOU Get For Father`s Day?

This year, my 6-year old daughter really showered me with gifts--both school-made and home-made. Let me show you:

My daughter wrote me a Thank You note for the things I do for her. I'm not sure if they are in ascending or descending order. Normally, you might assume that Toys "R" Us tops the list--but then again, you've never seen her room.

This is the mousepad my daughter made for me in school. It comes in a plastic cover and actually works very well.

This is what my daughter made for me in her hebrew class at school.
She wrote:
Dear Daddy,
My two hands made today...
I drew a pretty picture
For you. Love,

This is a picture my daughter drew of me at home. She assures me that the rectangular protruberances coming out of my head are ears.

My daughter drew this picture too. She told me that this is a picture of me thinking. I guess that would explain the crossed eyes, goofy grin--and thin wisps of smoke coming out of my ears.

What did you get for Fathers Day?

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  1. I got a set of pictures, some cards and my daughter's footprints.

  2. The only Father's Day gift that I remember giving my Dad when I was a kid is a tie-holder made out of (I think) a hanger and a cardboard tube from inside paper towels.
    I recall years later seeing the gift still in his closet, with what seemed to be the same ties.

    I think it was a hint.

  3. I love those drawings - especially the rainbow and your ears...sorry! I am a jewellery artist dedicated to turning children's drawings into jewellery and am always surfing the web for examples of drawings to inspire me. I am planning an online gallery for children’s drawings at my website and wondered if you would like to display your child’s drawing there? My website is at
    Best wishes Avril


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