Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Israel Is THE Place For Jewish Innovation

The Muqata makes the case that Israel is the place for true Jewish innovation:
Jewish practical innovation (as opposed to theoretical) is inherently connected to Israel. Like it or not, the resurgence and application of Jewish Nationalism, through Shivat Tziyon, has propelled Judaism forward in a quantum leap like never before in our past 2000 years. The challenge of a Jewish State in a modern technological era is welcomed with open arms by many -- and instead of adopting old-world mindsets that "it's better not to put yourself into a halachic quandary posed by modernization", we rise to the occasion, and embrace it, lichatchila.
This innovative spirit applies to Hebrew, Chumash, Chiddushei Torah, Philosophy and Halachah. To illustrate the last point, he gives a partial list of some of the amazing technical innovations The Tzomet Institute has developed, especially in connection with Shabbat.

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