Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Jack's Shack Has Been Going Strong For 25 Years

No, not his blogging.

He's been leining on Yom Kippur for 25 years.

I think that is tremendous.
I always wanted to be able to lein, and have tremendous respect--and more than just a touch of envy for--people who can do it.

In his post, Jack shares his experiences.


  1. DA,

    You give me too much credit. I am just a guy who managed to always be home for the chagim.

    Beyond that anyone who listened to my leining was automatically granted an early reprieve to their fast.

    In the best of times it is punishment to listen to my voice...

    In all sincerity, thank you. I have come to really love it. It is one my Yom Kippur highlights as it is one of those moments that I really feel connected.

  2. For a while I helped out at a Nursing Home years ago. During one summer I leined.

    On the one hand, no one could hear me well enough to criticize my leining.
    On the other hand, no one could hear me well enough to correct me either.

    I spent a third of each waking day doing paper work, another third practicing the leining, and another third calling my friends to cajole them into coming to stay for a Shabbos to do the leining.


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