Sunday, January 28, 2007

Life-Of-Rubin: Haveil Havlim #104--The ABC's of the JBlogosphere

This week, Life-of-Rubin hosts Haveil Havalim #104. This week's issue is presented in a little different format: alphabetically.
Think of it as the ABC's of the J-Blog community. It's also a great way to meet some of the bloggers by their actual names. Instead of just knowing them by their blogs.
Go on over and see what this past week of the JBlogosphere looks like.

Next week's issue of Haveil Havalim will be hosted by Soccer Dad at dhgerstman at hotmail dot com.

You can always submit one or two of your best Israel or Judaism related posts to dhgerstman at hotmail dot com.

If you'd like to host an upcoming edition you can e-mail Soccer Dad at the same address.

You can also submit entries to Haveil Havalim using either Conservative Cat's submission form or the submission form at BlogCarnival--where you can also find past posts and future hosts.

Listed at the Truth Laid Bear Ubercarnival.

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