Friday, January 26, 2007

Will Iran Take Olmert Any More Seriously Than The Palestinians?

On January 24, at the Herzaliyah Conference, Olmert addressed the threat of Iran. Considering what he said, it is doubtful that Iran is going to take Olmert--or Israel--any more seriously than the Palestinian Arabs:
It is clear to everyone that a diplomatic solution to the Iranian issue is the preferred solution. We also prefer such an outcome. The direction which the majority of the international community leans towards is a solution which can bear fruit, as long as it is done with the necessary ingenuity and determination, while meticulously adhering to the minimum requirements on which there can be no compromise. [emphasis added]

Assuming that all the steps which will now be taken (and those which are already being taken) by the international community are sharper, more significant, clearer and more vigorous, the need to adopt more demanding and harsher solutions in the future will be reduced. Those who believe, as we do, that a diplomatic solution is preferable, must now muster their strength to exert pressure on Iran and thus stay the course until change is achieved.
This kind of talk is not so very different from the kind that we are used to hearing from Olmert when he talks about the lengths he is willing to go and the compromises he is willing to make with the Palestinians.

I suppose we should be grateful that there is no Israeli land adjacent to Iran for Olmert to withdraw from.

If only he would take seriously his very next words in that speech:
To turn a blind eye now, while ignoring reality, dragging one's feet, and attempting to reach dangerous compromises while avoiding taking clear steps, those of us who wish to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power will, down the road, not be left with any choice but to take much more severe steps in the future.
If only he would take those words seriously and apply them to the situation closer to home.

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