Monday, February 05, 2007

Kosher Cooking Carnival Coming Up!

If you have not had a chance yet to read last month's Kosher Cooking Carnival--go read Kosher Cooking Carnival #14. If you've never heard of the KCC, it is not just a recipe carnival.
It includes everything about Kosher Cooking and Kashrut, including:
  • Halachik issues
  • Restaurant
  • Book reviews (kosher of course)
  • Traditions
  • Memories,
  • Funny stories
  • and more etc
It's a monthly carnival and usually comes out in the third or fourth week of the goyish month.

Here is a list of previous KCC's
If you'd like to contribute--or host--contact Batya at shilomuse at yahoo dot com.

Technorati Tag: and

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reminding your crowd.
    Join the carnival!


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