Saturday, April 07, 2007

THE PELOSI PATTERN: Of bad judgement. Last year The New York Times ran an editorial on November 17 that Speaker Pelosi Tempts Disaster:
Nancy Pelosi has marred her leadership even before taking up her new post as House speaker by playing politics with leadership of House Intelligence Committee and trying to force tainted ally Rep John Murtha as majority leader.
Then there is the controversy surrounding Pelosi's choice for chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Now Pelosi's controversies are taking on an international flavor with her tour through the Mideast--especially in Syria.

Farid Ghadry of the Reform Party of Syria denounces Pelosi asking, "Has Pelosi Gone Bonkers?"
Pelosi just reversed the work of the Syrian civil society and those who aspire for women’s freedom in the Muslim countries many years back with her visual statement. Her lack of experience of the Middle East is showing.
The Daily Star wonders what happens "When a dilettante takes on Hizbullah":
We can thank the US speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, for having informed Syrian President Bashar Assad, from Beirut, that "the road to solving Lebanon's problems passes through Damascus." Now, of course, all we need to do is remind Pelosi that the spirit and letter of successive United Nations Security Council resolutions, as well as Saudi and Egyptian efforts in recent weeks, have been destined to ensure precisely the opposite: that Syria end its meddling in Lebanese affairs.

...Unfortunately, foreign bigwigs come to town, their domestic calculations in hand; then they leave, and we're left picking up the pieces.
Syrian-American Emilio Karim Dabul of The American Congress for Truth refers to Pelosi as "Madame Traitor:
The problem is she’s not just hurting the President, she’s betraying our troops, and everyone around the world at risk to terrorist attacks, which is most of us.

We should not let her get away with it. We need to hold Pelosi responsible for her actions, as well as Syria and Iran. The three of them have more than proven their status as enemies of the United States.
The Washington Post writes that "Nancy Pelosi's foolish shuttle diplomacy"
...offered an excellent demonstration yesterday of why members of Congress should not attempt to supplant the secretary of state when traveling abroad.
USA Today writes that "Pelosi steps out of bounds on ill-conceived trip to Syria"
Pelosi's office defended her trip by noting that the "administration's cold-shoulder approach has yielded nothing but more Syrian intransigence." As true as that is, the place for Pelosi to make the case is not in Damascus. It's not up to the speaker to unfreeze relations with Assad.
Gateway Pundit posts about the possibility that Pelosi's trip is a felony.

Now Pelosi is back in the US and claiming what she did helped Bush.
Pelosi is too modest--her debacle may very well end up helping the entire Republican Party.

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1 comment:

  1. Check out the Blogs Against Nancy Pelosi blogroll at


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