Friday, April 06, 2007

TOM LANTOS IS A FRIEND OF ISRAEL, BUT...: Tom Lantos, who received the Friend of Israel Award in 2003, has made comments in the wake of Pelosi's Mideast tour such as "we have an alternative Democratic foreign policy. I view my job as beginning with restoring overseas credibility and respect for the United States" and "this is only the beginning of our constructive dialogue with Syria, and we hope to build on it."

The latter comment is troubling, not only in view of how Pelosi so badly botched the alleged message she claims to have been told to give to Assad on Israel's behalf, but also in her obvious lack of credentials for the job.

It is especially troubling to see Lantos enthusiastically advocating a policy espoused by James Baker with one of Israel's intractable enemies.

The Washington Post notes that Pelosi's performance in Syria
offered an excellent demonstration yesterday of why members of Congress should not attempt to supplant the secretary of state when traveling abroad.
While Pelosi doesn't know any better, it is disturbing that Tom Lantos doesn't either.

Update: Claudia Rosett writes in "Pelosi was nuts to visit with Assad" for those who may have forgotten:
The long litany of Syrian depredations includes the long and brutal occupation of Lebanon, Syrian involvement in the brazen car-bombing assassination two years ago of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al- Hariri, and likely Syrian involvement in the continuing series of murders of Lebanese reformers. Syria has been a highway for Hezbollah terrorists trucking weapons from Iran into Lebanon, leading to the war launched by Hezbollah last summer against Israel. Syria provides safety and support for the terrorists of Hamas. Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Syria has become a conduit of terrorists inflicting mayhem and murder in Iraq. [Hat tip: Instapundit]
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  1. Lantos, throughout his career, and now together with Pelosi have accomplished more on behalf of Israeli captives than nay bush/rice team ever could or will ever hope to.

    May Hashem bless tom lantos and nancy pelosi with the strength to continue their great work.

  2. I don't deny Lantos' accomplishments--I wrote Lantos is a friend of Israel, not may be. But to arbitrarily put Pelosi on the same level as Lantos without backing that up?


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