Wednesday, May 30, 2007

On October 15, 2003, a convoy of clearly identified United States diplomatic vehicles was attacked by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza resulting in the deaths of John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde, and the injury of a fourth American.
Check out Israel Matzav for details of the murder and what has not been done.
The progress of HR 2293 can be tracked on here.
The page tracks the 5 stages of a Bill:
  • Introduced
  • Scheduled for Debate
  • Voted on in House
  • Voted on in Senate
  • Signed by President
So far, only the first stage has taken place--on May 14th.

HR 2293 addresses the murder of Americans that has been forgotten--and that senior officials within the PA said they knew who the murderers were and that despite the assurances of Abbas, those murderers of Americans are still at large. The Bill also suggests measures to take to apply pressure on the PA

This Bill bears watching.

Here is the entire text of the Bill:

HR 2293 IH

1st Session
H. R. 2293

To require the Secretary of State to submit to Congress a report on efforts to bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde.


May 14, 2007

Mr. ACKERMAN (for himself, Mr. PENCE, and Mr. LANTOS) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


To require the Secretary of State to submit to Congress a report on efforts to bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Findings- Congress makes the following findings:

      (1) On October 15, 2003, a convoy of clearly identified United States diplomatic vehicles was attacked by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza resulting in the deaths of John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde, and the injury of a fourth American.

      (2) John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde were contract employees providing security to United States diplomatic personnel who were visiting Gaza in order to identify potential Palestinian candidates for scholarships under the Fulbright Program.

      (3) Senior officials of the Palestinian Authority have stated that they were aware of the identities of the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde.

      (4) Following her visit to Israel and the West Bank on February 7, 2005, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced that she had been `assured by President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority's intention to bring justice to those who murdered three American personnel in the Gaza in 2003'.

      (5) Since the bombing on October 15, 2003, United States Government personnel have been prohibited from all travel in Gaza.

      (6) The United States Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $5,000,000 for information leading to the arrest or conviction of any persons involved in the murders of John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde.

      (7) The Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde have still not been brought to justice.

    (b) Sense of Congress- It is the sense of Congress that--

      (1) the continued inability or unwillingness of the Palestinian Authority to actively and aggressively pursue the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde and bring them to justice calls into question the Palestinian Authority's suitability as a partner for the United States in diplomatic efforts to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict;

      (2) future United States assistance to the Palestinian Authority may be suspended or conditioned, and the continued operation of the PLO Representative Office in Washington may be jeopardized, if the Palestinian Authority does not fully and effectively cooperate in bringing to justice the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde; and

      (3) it is in the vital national security interest of the United States to safeguard, to the greatest extent possible consistent with their mission, United States diplomats and all embassy and consulate personnel, and to use the full power of the United States to bring to justice any individual or entity that threatens, jeopardizes, or harms them.

    (c) Report- Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 120 days thereafter, the Secretary of State shall submit a report, on a classified basis if necessary, to the appropriate congressional committees describing--

      (1) efforts by the United States to bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde;

      (2) a detailed assessment of efforts by the Palestinian Authority to bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde, including--

        (A) the number of arrests, interrogations, and interviews by Palestinian Authority officials related to the case;

        (B) the number of Palestinian security personnel and man-hours assigned to the case;

        (C) the extent of personal supervision or involvement by the President and Ministers of the Palestinian Authority; and

        (D) the degree of cooperation between the United States and the Palestinian Authority in regards to this case;

      (3) a specific assessment by the Secretary of whether the Palestinian efforts described in paragraph (2) constitute the best possible effort by the Palestinian Authority; and

      (4) any additional steps or initiatives requested or recommended by the United States that were not pursued by the Palestinian Authority.

    (d) Certification- The requirement to submit a report under subsection (c) shall no longer apply if the Secretary of State certifies to the appropriate congressional committees that the Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Marin Linde have been identified, arrested, and brought to justice.

    (e) Definition- In this section, the term `appropriate congressional committees' means--

      (1) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives; and

      (2) the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate.

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