Tuesday, May 01, 2007

THE CONNECTION BETWEEN NAZI AND ARAB ANTI-SEMITISM: Daniel Pipes summarizes some of the main points in Joel Fishman's The Big Lie and The Media War Against Israel, such as:
o In Mein Kampf, Hitler admires Great Britain's disinformation campaign against Germany in WWI, 10 years before his own use of the Big Lie.

o Johann von Leers, a protégé of Goebbels, associate of Himmler, and advocate of genocidal policies against Jews escaped to Egypt where he sponsored the publication of an Arabic edition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and actively cultivated Anti-Semitism.
Pipes concludes:
Today's political madness, in other words, is directly linked to yesterday's. Might some of today's anti-Zionists be ashamed to realize that their thinking is, however repackaged, but an elaboration of the genocidal deceptions espoused by Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler? Might they then abandon these views?
Gee, do you really think?

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