Tuesday, May 01, 2007

DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE A NEW AMBASSADOR TO THE UN? His name is Zalmay Khalilzad--the highest-ranking Muslim in the administration of President Bush and has also served as U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan and to Iraq.

Claudia Rosett, well-known for her reporting on UN corruption, has written about a meeting between Khalilzad and Iqbal Riza--whom she refers to as the Sandy Berger of the UN:
Perhaps our new ambassador to the UN has his own reasons for believing there are gains to chatting with a former Annan-acolyte whose resume includes doing UN headquarters sentry duty during the Rwandan genocide, covering up Saddam’s kickbacks during Oil-for-Food, shredding documents during the subsequent investigation, and last fall (while Annan was telling the Iranians not to worry about violating the UN resolution) bringing an Iranian mouthpiece to the U.S. as a special guest of the UN. But if Khalilzad really feels he must talk with Riza, don’t dignify it with lunch at the residence. Paper-bag it in a utility closet, preferably near an industrial-size shredder, as a reminder of what the advice is worth.
Moynihan, Kirkpatrick, Bolton...Khalilzad?
Not yet.

See also: They Come In Threes

Technorati Tag: and and .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:07 AM

    like old news, people?


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