Thursday, May 03, 2007

HUGE RALLY IN TEL AVIV: From One Jerusalem--
Rallying For The State Of Israel -

We are getting reports from participants in the massive rally taking place in Tel Aviv. The rally idea was the brain child of a group of Israeli Reservists who protested the conduct of the military operations in Lebanon. (Listen to a One Jerusalem interview with the Reservists, which One Jerusalem organized in August 2006.)

Today, the protest culminated in over a quarter of a million Israelis of all shapes and sizes gathering in Rabin Square to send a message to their Prime Minister - It is time for him to step down.

A few hours ago we spoke with (Res) General Effi Eitam who since our conversation addressed the rally. Effi talked about the frustartions of the Israeli people in being saddled with an inept and corrupt government. He also pointed out how Foreign Minister Livini blew her chance to be a leader when she called on Olmert to resign but stayed in the government.

Today, in the Knesset, Likud leader Netanyahu expressed the views of most of Israel when he called the Kadima government a failed government. Netanyahu called for new elections.

Olmert, despite his attempts to stay in office, will almost certainly not survive. He and Defense Minister Peretz will almost certainly be forced from office. But the the question of the day is whether the Kadmia government stays in power or does all this lead to elections.

Time will tell.
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