Wednesday, May 02, 2007

JAPANESE TOURISTS SINGING AT THE KOTEL: Mere Rhetoric has the video, but doesn't know who they are or why they're doing it. Me neither--but there's another video: this one at Ben Gurion Airport, featuring Japanese tourists singing--among other songs--Ki M'Zion Tatzei Torah.

Update: Thanks to Paul who wrote in the comments--
They are Makuya - see:

Makuya, who are ardently pro-Israel and 'ohavei Yisrael', have maintained a presence in Jerusalem for more than thirty years. Many of them have studied in Israel and attained great proficiency in Hebrew and Jewish studies, and groups frequently visit Israel (as, presumably, the group in the video).
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    They are Makuya - see:

    Makuya, who are ardently pro-Israel and 'ohavei Yisrael', have maintained a presence in Jerusalem for more than thirty years. Many of them have studied in Israel and attained great proficiency in Hebrew and Jewish studies, and groups frequently visit Israel (as, presumably, the group in the video).


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