Friday, May 25, 2007

LOUIS FARRAKHAN IS NOT A MUSLIM: That is the title of an article that Daniel Pipes wrote for the Washington Post in 1984:
Since he became involved with the presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson in November 1983, Louis Farrakhan has been universally portrayed as a Muslim, and his views have been ascribed to the Islamic religion. For example, in a description of Farrakhan's enrolling to vote for the first time, an article in The Washington Post noted that his action "is a major break with Muslim preachings that blacks not participate in a political process controlled by what they call white oppressors."

But this is wrong. Louis Farrakhan is not a Muslim; Islam says nothing about blacks voting in U.S. elections. Instead, Farrakhan subscribes to an American black religion founded in Detroit 50 years ago. His faith is not recognized as Islamic by real Muslims, and his teachings bear almost no resemblance to those of Islam. Farrakhan is as much a Muslim as the Shriner is an Arab.
Read the whole thing.

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  1. Why would a self-described anti-Islamic Zionist Jew like Daniel Pipes be concerned with who is a muslim, let along his lack of credibility and authority on Islam.

    The Arab American Institute, headed by James Zogby, stated "For decades Daniel Pipes has displayed a bizarre obsession with all things Arab and Muslim.

    Simply put, Danile Pipes is a biggoted quack!

  2. As an advocate and defender of Islamist terrorism, Zogby the head of the AAI lacks reliability.

    See the Middle East Forum article "Is James Zogby a 'Builder for Peace'?" from 1998.

    Zogby has come to the defense of extremist Muslim groups such as the Muslim Brethren, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, arguing that these groups are merely "politically" or "religiously" opposed to the peace process. He defends the American Muslim Council (AMC), a Muslim American organization based in Washington that forwards the cause of extremist Islamic organizations such as Hamas, as well as Islamic radical movements in Algeria, Sudan, and other countries. He also has the temerity to call upon Jewish organizations to follow his lead on these issues.

  3. Peter Rodgers, former Australian ambassador to Israel said regarding Daniel Pipes's nonsencial rantings:

    "Reading Daniel Pipes's latest book, brimming with dire warnings of Islamic threats, made me deeply envious. I so wish I could be a polemicist, then I'd never have to worry about accuracy and balance, about passing off egregious nonsense as alarming statement of fact, about repetition and self-contradiction. I, too, could trumpet mediocre fictions as insightful prophecies..."

  4. I don't see how Rodgers is the for how I--or anyone, for that matter--should view Pipes. Instead I can only go by what I have read of Daniel Pipes' writings.

    The fact that you have twice quoted others instead of quoting him directly is telling.

    In the article I quote above, Pipes ends the article with

    Wallace Muhammad is a Muslim. Louis Farrakhan is not. Farrakhan's reprehensible statements must not be ascribed to the fair-minded traditions of Islam.

    This is the "bizarre obsession," bigotry, and quackery you blithely accuse Pipes of--twice without a single example?

  5. To hightlight the self proclaimed muslim expert Daniel Pipes' pseudo scholarship (quackery), let's read a glaring contradictory quote from the man he quoted, Wallace Muhammad:

    "The little problem, the small problem, that we’ve had along the way, struggling to present ourselves as God willed that we present ourselves, it’s not bigger than the word of God, the Qur’an, and (it’s) not bigger than Muhammad... I want to say that Minister Farrakhan is a great leader. I’ve watched him over the years, since the passing away of my father and our fallen leader, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I’ve watched him and I have done a little mathematics, a little calculation, and I’ve come up with progress for the Nation of Islam under the leadership of Minister Farrakhan. Whatever has troubled us in the past, I think we can bury it now and never look back at that grave. And never look back at that grave." -Feb. 25, 2000 Nation of Islam Conference

  6. So far instead of offering actual quotes by Pipes, you go down the list of CAIR quotes

    1. A quote from Zogby, a fan of Hamas who says that it's Pipes who has a bigoted obsession.

    2. Peter Rodgers, a former Australian ambassador to Israel--what is expertise on Pipes is, is unclear.

    3. A statement by Wallace Muhammed--clearly indicating the conflict that has existed between him and Farrakhan in the past. This is a glaring contradiction?

    Instead of relying on CAIR, why not quote from Pipes himself.
    Why rely on CAIR, which has claimed that there are 7-8 million Muslims in the US. Now a PEW survey reveals there are only 2.35--1.5 of whom are actually of voting age.

    What about something solid to back up your claim?

  7. All of this leads back to the same question, why would an anti-Islamic zionist like Daniel Pipes be concerned with who is a muslim, let alone his lack of credibility and authority on Islam.

    In reality, Daniel Pipes is not even a real Jew. He is another in a line of johnny-come-lately Caucasians who came out of Europe, settled in Palestine and conveniently "converted" to Judaism in the name of Zionism.

    "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, but you art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
    -Revelations 2:9

  8. No, all that you have done is make the same claim over and over without any substantiation.

    You claim he is anti-Islamic, this from a person who wrote in the original article I quoted "Wallace Muhammad is a Muslim. Louis Farrakhan is not. Farrakhan's reprehensible statements must not be ascribed to the fair-minded traditions of Islam."

    You write that he lacks authority or credibility on Islam, but your failure to provide any proof to support your claim merely detracts from your own credibility.

    And when you write In reality, Daniel Pipes is not even a real Jew. He is another in a line of johnny-come-lately Caucasians who came out of Europe, settled in Palestine and conveniently "converted" to Judaism in the name of Zionism.--clearly this thread is over.


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