Thursday, July 26, 2007

THE VALUE OF A GOOD PALESTINIAN EDUCATION: Best exemplified by the results of the PEW Survey (PDF) indicating low numbers in the Middle East for the support of suicide bombers--except among Palestinians, who by 41% say it is often justified (next is Kuwait and Lebanon at 9%)

Allahpundit has a good summary of the results of the survey, with a few charts, noting that
suggests that as a general but not ironclad rule, the closer a country is to Israel the more suicide-happy they are.
Maybe. Then again, lets not forget the training the children get in hating Jews. After all, Egypt ranks last among Middle Eastern countries strongly supporting suicide bombers, and "sometimes" by 6% as opposed to Morocco's 5%.

Another point he makes is
whereas “suicide bombings” used to be synonymous with attacks on Israel, now they’re synonymous with attacks on Iraqis. Funny how substituting Muslim victims for Jewish ones tends to concentrate the mind.
This, though, might be due to the efficiency of the security fence and the fact that the media plays up suicide bombings in Iraq to make their case for leaving Iraq.

At the rate Olmert is going, it may not much matter how the Muslim world as a whole is transforming.

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