Tuesday, August 28, 2007

9 ISRAELS 'HELD CAPTIVE IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES'. That is the way Artuz Sheva puts it--one person on that list may surprise you.
Captured by Hamas 13 month ago
Gilad Shalit

Captured by Hizbullah 13 months ago
Reservists Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev

Disappeared in the Golan Heights, on the Syrian border, in 1997
IDF soldier Guy Hever

Captured in Lebanon in 1986
Israel Air Force navigator Ron Arad,

Incarcerated in US since 1985 after being convicted of spying for Israel
Jonathan Pollard

Captured during the 1982 war in Lebanon
o Zechariah Baumel,
o Tzvi Feldman
o Yehuda Katz
Technorati Tag: and and and and and and and and and .

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