Monday, August 13, 2007

ISLAM: TEACHING CHILDREN TO LIE. Check out Little Green Footballs on video of a children’s program on Egypt’s Al-Nas TV. Egyptian cleric Mahmoud Al-Masri instructs children on when it is OK to lie: to a wife, to Jews, and to reconcile two arguing Muslims.

On lying to Jews:
Mahmoud Al-Masri: Permitted lies. There’s no such thing as a “white lie” or a “black lie.” No, there are exceptions. My dears, the second kind is lying to the enemy in times of war. What does this mean? For example, somebody joins the army, and a war breaks out, between us and the Jews, for example. He is captured by the Jews, who ask him: “Where do you keep your weapons, where is your artillery, and where are your airplanes, and so on?” He knows, but what will happen if he tells them the truth? He will destroy his country, right? So what should he do? If, for example, he knows that the tanks are at Heliopolis, he should say they are at Hilwan. Is he lying or not?

Children: Yes.

Mahmoud Al-Masri: But it is permitted, in order to defend his country. Do you get it, my dears? So this is the second kind of lies that is permitted.
LGF has the video.

Forget the kids, and how Muslim leaders are messing with their lives, for a moment--what about the Muslim 'adults' that are supposedly negotiating with Israel in good faith?

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