Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ISMAIL HANIYEH AIN'T NO TONY SOPRANO. Jonah Goldberg on the confusion--by some--of terrorists with criminals:
Bank robbers rarely use suicide bombers. Forgers don’t declare war on capitalism, democracy, and modernity. Kidnappers rarely behead their victims without asking for a ransom. And when they do ask for ransoms, only rarely do they demand infidels submit to the will of Allah instead of asking for unmarked bills.

...If treating terrorists like any other criminals is such a good idea, why don’t they recommend such an enlightened approach to Israel? After all, when Hezbollah rains down rockets on your cities, the sagacious response is to issue an arrest warrant and convene a grand jury.
But who would make the arrest--UNIFIL?

[Hat tip: Pajamas Media]

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