Thursday, August 16, 2007

LET'S HOPE THE US WILL NOT IMITATE ISRAEL. Ralph Peters writes in the New York Post that the media:
ran with the story that the Bush administration will soon designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps - a major troublemaker in Iraq - as a terrorist organization. But they didn't look past the public-consumption explanation that the move lets our government go after the Revolutionary Guards' finances and the international companies that cut deals with Tehran's thugs.

The real reason for the move is to set up a legal basis for airstrikes or special operations raids on the Guard's bases in Iran.

Our policy is that we reserve the right to whack terrorists anywhere in the world. Now we have newly designated terrorists. And we know exactly where they are.
Somehow, I don't think the US will warn them in advance and them bomb the empty buildings to' send a strong message'.

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