Monday, September 24, 2007

Iran Denies They Received Israeli Help

I'm sure it looked nice when the Iranian official shook hands with the Israeli representative...
Israel, Iran Cooperate in Crash Probe

Christians and Muslims gather for religious services Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007, at the Phuket, Thailand, airport. Prayers were given for those killed in One-Two-Go flight OG269 which crashed Sunday, Sept. 16, 2007, while attempting to land during a driving rainstorm. At least 89 people, most of them foreigners, were killed in the crash.

...Relations are minimal and tense between the Jewish state and the Islamic Republic — whose president once denied the Holocaust — but diplomats from both nations shrugged off any suggestion the antagonism would hinder efforts to help grieving families.

"It's human nature to help in solving this problem as soon as possible," Safdar Shafiee from the Iranian Embassy in Bangkok said after shaking hands with Yaki Oved, head representative of Israeli police in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

...Shafiee, the Iranian official, said it was natural for people to work together after a humanitarian disaster. "I think there is no difference between the humans. All of them are humans and every nation can give any help that they can," he said.
...which I guess explains why Iran is going to such pains to deny it ever happened:
Iran denies cooperating with Zionists in identifying air crash victims

Iran's Ambassador to Thailand Mohsen Pak Ayeen on Saturday strongly refuted the recent news by Associated Press about cooperation between an Iranian delegation and the Zionist regime in identifying Iranian victims of a plane crash in Thailand.

Speaking to reporters, he said there was no contact between Iranian consulate and a Zionist delegation for identifying the victims of the air crash.

The identification operation was totally conducted by Iranian and Thai officials as well as Thai tour and travel agencies, he said adding that the Islamic Republic of Iran does not recognize the Zionist regime let alone seek their assistance.
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