Sunday, September 16, 2007

Madonna: "Ambassador for Judaism"

Madonna is in Israel for a conference on Kabbalah, naturally:

"You don't know how popular the Book of Splendor is among Hollywood actors," Yediot quoted Madonna as telling Peres. "Everyone I meet talks to me only about that. I am an ambassador for Judaism."

Memo received. Thanks.

Apparently, the conference for Scientology was sold out:
Other celebrities who flew in for the Kabbalah conference included movie star Demi Moore and her husband, actor Ashton Kutcher, Rosie O'Donnell and fashion designer Donna Karan. Madonna came with her film director husband Guy Ritchie.

The Haaretz daily quoted Kutcher as telling a group of Israeli businessmen and entertainers on Saturday that Kabbalah had answered fundamental questions in his life and made him a better actor.
Answering fundamental questions and better acting. The Butterfly Effect?

So why is Hollywood attracted to Kabbalah?

"It is a known fact in Kabbala that impurity and evil are inherently attracted to sanctity," said a director of one of the most respected Kabbala yeshivot in Jerusalem who preferred that he and his institution remain anonymous.

"That's why people of Hollywood, a place of iniquity and lasciviousness, are naturally attracted to the holiness of Kabbala."

(Personally, I still like my answer better.)

The last time Madonna attended the conference was in 2004.

[Hat tip: Hot Air Headlines]

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  1. I had no idea Donna Karan was a kabbalist. She designs my favorite perfume!


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