Wednesday, October 31, 2007

"Bad News" Is Contagious--And You Can Spread It Too!

Following in the footsteps of Bad News from The Netherlands and Bad News from Finland comes Bad News from Britain:
News coverage from Israel is often distorted if measured against the 'Code of Ethics' guidelines of journalism. The origins of “bad news” about a country thus lie with numerous foreign media. This project exposes one of many methods used.

This project is based on "Bad News from the Netherlands".
“Bad News from the Netherlands” has raised major international interest since it appeared on the web in October 2007. Many thanks are due to all those who have contributed news, ideas and financing. Support us to expand this project.

Act against the biased media: start a “bad news” blog about another country. If you want to use this layout, please contact us at the e-mail address below.
Check it out!

[Hat tip: Media Backspin]

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