Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sderot Chanukah Celebration

From an email I received:
Dear Friends,

Sderot, which is home to a large population of Jewish immigrants from around the world, is only 3 miles from the Gaza border. The families in Sderot live with the daily threat of rocket attacks. Over 6,000 missiles have been launched at this small city during the past 7 years.

These families need to know that they are not alone.

On Tuesday December 11, 2007 the last day of Chanukah when the eight candles will shine in all Jewish Houses we will go to Sderot with hundreds of volunteers.

Prior to Rosh Hashanah, we visited families in Sderot with a Dixieland trio, distributing over 400 Holiday gift baskets.

This Chanukah we will be returning to Sderot along with three bands performing in the streets on large open trucks. Join us as we go into the neighborhoods and sing with the families. Over 3,000 sufganiot and chocolate coins will be distributed along with hundreds of family gift baskets.

We will conclude with a candle lighting ceremony and a musical event.

We would love for you to personally join us as we make this distribution. If you cannot join us in person, then join us in spirit. Adopt some of these families by writing personal letters to families in Sderot. In addition, please sponsor some of these Chanukah gift baskets, at only $36 each you will have a tremendous impact on their morale. View the inspiring film made of Connections Israel's Rosh Hashanah distribution at: http://connectionsisrael.com/photos-movies/movies-in-action .

The people of Sderot and Connections Israel extend a large thank you, in advance, for the warm hugs that you will be giving to these families.

Letters and checks, payable to Connections Israel can be sent to:

Connections Israel
P.O. Box 28371
Jerusalem, 91283

Or donate online at - http://connectionsisrael.com/donate/sderot-holiday-gift-basket

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