Friday, November 23, 2007

Special Webcast For Jerusalem: Sunday, November 25th

From an email:
You're Invited to Attend Our Webcast!
Come & Join-- Sun. Nov 25, 11:00 AM EST

Dear Friend of Jerusalem,

You are invited to attend One Jerusalem's largest LIVE streaming media event, overlooking Jerusalem's Old City -- this Sunday Nov. 25, 11:00 AM (EST).

Please join us in celebrating Jerusalem as the united, undivided capital of the State of Israel.
Guest speakers and attendees include One Jerusalem Chairman Natan Sharansky, USA Congressman Eric Cantor, major military personalities and leaders.

The celebrations will include live musical performances, videos and a sparkling laser light show.

How can you attend? Visit this Sunday, 11:00 AM (EST). We will stream the event right to you. Mark your calendar & join us!

The One Jerusalem Team
Crossposted at Israpundit

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