Monday, December 03, 2007

Chaim Maccabbee

Just so there is no misunderstanding, Chaim Maccabbee is the name of my daughter's new cat--the one we got for her yesterday.

My wife claims that she ran the idea past me a few months ago and I did not object. When pressed on the issue, my wife was unable to produce any documents with my signature to that effect.

Supposedly, having this cat will teach my daughter responsibility and will also be soothing. When I suggested that doing the dishes would have the same effect, I got a look. I still think I'm right though. They say that fishing can be very calming (though not for the fish), and I think that the monotony of washing the dishes--like fishing--can be very calming once you get in the groove. So why did we get a dish washer? I find the hum of the dishwasher very soothing--especially when I meditate on how many dishes I do not have to wash.

Anyway, my wife and I came to an understanding before we bought the cat that I will have no responsibilities for the cat--I will not have to feed, clean, or in any way have any responsibility for it. Of course, we had the same understanding before she bought her fish (currently all deceased). Nevertheless, I had to help her empty and refill it and a couple of times clean the gravel.

But this time I intend to stand firm.

(And when my wife and daughter go to the local YMHA on Sundays for their morning fun, I will have the kitten all to myself!)

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