Monday, December 10, 2007

Dahlan: Fatah, Shmattah--We're All Hamas!

It's not that Dahlan thinks that no one will read what he says and translate it into English for the whole world to see.

It's just that he knows that the West does not care.
Dahlan: Fatah, Hamas Not That Different

( Senior Fatah terrorist Mahmoud Dahlan spoke to a Kuwaiti newspaper this week, saying that Hamas must turn control of Gaza over to the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority before the two groups can reunite. The groups have similar long-term goals, he said, “From a practical standpoint, there are no large differences between the two sides.”

Both groups demand control over Judea, Samaria, historic Jerusalem, and Gaza, he said. Both also demand the “return” to Israel of several million foreign Arabs who claim descent from those who fled the country during the War of Independence. The main difference between the two groups is that Hamas does not recognize the authority of Fatah, the Oslo agreements, or the PA, he said.
[Hat tip: LGF]

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