Monday, December 10, 2007

Hamas: Gaza = The Warsaw Ghetto

Pity Hamas:
"Our isolation is complete, confining us in a ghetto (worse than the Jewish ghettos of Warsaw) where our sewage, power and water systems have been destroyed, all normal supplies constrained and even humanitarian aid withheld. Many people have not been paid for nearly two years, over 75 per cent are unemployed and now the Israelis are threatening to cut off fuel and power and invade us once again.
So according to Hamas, Israel is comparable to the Nazis. But:
o The Nazis never 'disengaged' from the Warsaw Ghetto.
o Israel does not have death camps and does not even have the death penalty.
And Hamas is comparable to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto. But:
o Hamas randomly fires rockets at Israel, killing women and children.
o The Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto did nothing to bring the Nazi's actions upon themselves.

The Hamas comparison is patently absurd.
Which of course will do nothing to stop the comparison from gaining traction.

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