Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Israeli Government Reinterprets "Blood On Their Hands"

The latest idea from the Israeli government:
General Security Services (Shabak) head Yuval Diskin opposes a proposed change in definition that would define fewer terrorists as having “blood on their hands.” A ministerial committee has suggested changing the definition to cover only those who personally killed Israelis, and not the terrorists who masterminded the attacks. The change in definition is meant to allow Israel to release senior terrorists in exchange for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.

Diskin will speak to the committee when it meets again on Wednesday and will explain his position. IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi has opposed the proposal as well, and argues that no terrorists should be released until Shalit is set free.
Apparently the Israeli government thinks it is very clever in deciding to interpret the idea of "blood on their hands" as literally as possible. As a result, Israel will release the people who plan terrorist attacks and just hold onto the terrorists who are easily replaceable. Genius!

And while they are at it, they will continue to bend over backwards to make sure to release as many terrorists as possible without gaining the release of Gilad Shalit.

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