Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Sandal Is On The Other Foot: Michael Savage Sues CAIR

According to what Michael Savage has posted on his website:

This lawsuit concerns the infringement of the copyright to the October 29, 2007 show wherein a dramatic, meaningful and powerful segment of the Savage Nation was and continues to be expropriated by defendant, CAIR (as identified herein).


CAIR has been given written notice of its copyright infringement but has chosen to persist in using the copyright protected material.


The segment misappropriated was in excess of four minutes. As set forth in more detail herein, the misappropriated segment was used by CAIR for fund-raising purposes and the segment was used in a manner designed to cause harm to the value of the copyright material in the long and short term.
He quotes the content of the material CAIR is using at point 20.

Personally, I can't see this going very far, but at the very least it will keep CAIR occupied. Savage seems to make reference to information about CAIR from Anti-CAIR, but also from what has been revealed about CAIR's ties to Hamas in the Holy Land trial in Texas.

At the very least, maybe this will increase discussion about CAIR, and why it was named an unindicted co-conspirator in that trial.

[Hat tip: Hot Air Headlines]

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