Sunday, December 16, 2007

Using Lingospot To Link The JBlogosphere Together

I noticed that Pajamas Media was using this, and decided to try this out myself. According to the Lingospot site:
This community connects people and what they write. People link up with their friends. Sites create blogroll partnerships with other sites.

Blogroll partners can dynamically link to each other's pages via Lingospot's searchable blogroll tab. On a site running Lingospot, the blogroll tab searches for related articles from that site's blogroll partners. These partners need to register a feed, but don't have to be running Lingospot on their own sites.
I have 10 keywords that are are automatically hyperlinked--they appear in blue and are underlined--so that if you put your cursor on them a window allows you the option of seeing other links on Daled Amos or on an assortment of blogs in the JBlogosphere--as well as in the news, books, and a blogroll of blogs that have joined and linked back to me.

I think it is an easy way to link to other blogs in the JBlogosphere--or to whomever you like. Currently, there is a limit of 10 keywords, but you can manually add code to turn any word or phrase into a 'tab'--like this (Israel)

Check it out and see what you think.

Technorati Tag: and .

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