Monday, January 07, 2008

Grassroots Rally for Israel: New York, Miami, & Washington

From an email:
Grassroots Rally for Israel

Rally Information:

The organizers of the Grassroots Rally for Israel are proud and pleased to announce that there will be three critical rallies this Thursday to protest the suicidal agenda discussed at the Annapolis Summit.

Please join us on Thursday, January 10, 2008, and:
  • Protest the division of Jerusalem.
  • Protest the planned expulsion of 150,000 of our brethren living in Judea and Samaria.
  • Protest inviting thousands of terrorists to live within 10 miles of Israel 's population centers.
  • Protest the release of any more terrorists from Israeli prisons. And,
  • Call for the resignations of Peres, Olmert, Livni and Barak.
If you live in the New York, Washington D.C. or Miami, FL metropolitan areas, please join us at one of the following events on Thursday, January 10th:
- Opposite the Israeli Consulate in New York City (Second Ave between 42 & 43 Street) – 12 Noon

- In front of the White House, Washington DC – 12 Noon

- Next to the Torch of Friendship, Miami, FL – 12 Noon
Demonstrate your support for Israel!

Demonstrate your opposition to Those Who Are Desperately Trying to Destroy Her!

NYC, DC, Miami - Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 12 NOON

For more information, visit:

We look forward to seeing you and your family and friends this Thursday in New York City, Wash. DC or Miami.
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