Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Winograd Report And The Zionist Ethos

In advance of the release of the full findings of the Winograd Commission, Michael Oren wrote about one more way Israel is different than other countries:
In another country, perhaps, such blunders might result in the resignation of senior officers but not necessarily elected officials. In Israel, though, no one is above blame. Accountability for decision making is a tenet of the Zionist ethos on which the Jewish state is based and, unlike most nations, Israel has a citizens' army in which the great majority -- politicians included -- serve. Most uniquely, Israel confronts daily security dangers and long-term threats to its existence. Israelis can neither condone nor afford a prime minister who passes the buck to their army or shirks the onus of defense. The person who sends us into battle cannot escape responsibility for our fate.
Oren concludes his argument:
Thousands of Israelis are calling for Mr. Olmert's resignation. Rightists convinced that the prime minister cannot safeguard the country's security have joined with leftists who understand that leaders who fail at war will never succeed at peacemaking. All are united by a willingness to shoulder the burden of Israel's defense. This was the commitment that united us that last night in Lebanon, as we took up the stretchers bearing the remains of somebody's son, somebody's husband, and brought them home for burial.
Needless to say, Olmert will stay regardless.

Read the whole thing.

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1 comment:

  1. I think that Israel at any other time..the leader would resign..this PM doesn't care about Israel, he cares about his own skin...there is no longer any honor is Israeli leadershim


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