Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Israel and Hamas In A Win-Win Situation

Over at Contentions, the Commentary Magazine blog, there has been discussion about whether the destruction of the Gaza border with Egypt benefits Israel or not. One of those who thinks it does is David Hazony:
According to reports, too see Gaza severing all economic ties with Israel as a high priority — a rare point of accord between Israel and Hamas. “Since the day we were elected,” said Ismail Haniyeh, Gaza’s de facto ruler, “we have said that we want to progress toward breaking our economic ties with Israel.” He added that “Egypt is in a much better position [than Israel] to meet the needs of the Gaza Strip.”
Of course, no one said that everyone wins. For example, there is Egypt:
Not surprisingly, folks in Ramallah are furious at the prospect of Israel conducting a separate foreign policy with Hamas, thereby creating two separate Palestinian non-states. And Egyptians are anything but thrilled at deepened ties between Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood types in Egypt.
It's a rare situation where there is a chance for Israel to benefit while Egypt and the PA both may come out on the short end.

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