Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Winograd Findings Were Admittedly Fixed

I don't know how many in the Israeli media will cover this--after all, how many covered the request by the Haaretz editor that Israel be 'raped'--but Arutz Sheva is on top of this:
Winograd C'tee Member Admits: PM Spared Due to 'Peace Process'

Winograd Committee member Prof. Yechezkel Dror explained what motivated the committee to refrain from calling for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s resignation: the preservation of the "peace process" and fear of Opposition head Binyamin Netanyahu winning the resulting elections.
Among Dror's comments:
“The peace process, if successful, will save so many lives that it should be given great weight,” Dror said. “It is not right to only look at one aspect.”
And just how much success would Dror like to go on record has having seen so far? In terms of saving lives, we have seen Palestinian terrorists set free and Israelis killed by Palestinian Arabs under Abbas.
Summing up his viewpoint, Dror said: “The needs of the future must balance the need for justice in the present.”
If, as Dror appears to admit, justice would call for the resignation of Olmert--how can he justify keeping Olmert in office when the potential for war rests on the whim of Hamas, Hizbollah, Syria, and Iran?

Is there anything that would trump this peace process that has yet to see an issue where Abbas has shown any willingness to actually negotiate on?
“What do you prefer?" Dror asked rhetorically, "an Olmert-Barak government or new elections where Netanyahu will rise to power?”

...He also said that since his statement on a Netanyahu government was phrased as a question, it did not constitute taking a position on the matter.
Is this man meshugeh!? (not that I am taking a position on this...)

Caroline Glick was right about the secret to Olmert's success--that the media is treating him like an etrog.

But when the etrog is pasul, what is the point?

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